Alumni relations

The Uppsala University Alumni Network is a global network for all former students and current and former staff members of Uppsala University. To date, over 33 000 alumni in over 150 countries around the world have chosen to become members.

Alumni are a valuable resource for the university. By sharing their knowledge and experience, network, time and assets, alumni can play an important role in developing education and research at the university. Alumni are also a resource for students, both during their education and before entering the labor market.

The Uppsala University Alumni Network includes numerous alumni associations and international chapters that are connected to a specific programme or department at the university, or an overseas city or country. They organise events and activites with particular relevance to their members.


Alumni review 2021-2022

At the request of the Vice-Chancellor, the university conducted an Alumni Review (Diary number UFV 2021/1045). The purpose of the review was to identify ways of strengthening the university’s ties with national and international alumni. Through increased engagement, alumni can contribute to enhancing the university’s education and research.

The report was submitted to the Vice-Chancellor on 2 May 2023.

If you would like to read the final report or have any questions about the review, please get in touch!


Start an alumni
association or chapter

Information and guidance for buiding a new association within the Uppsala University Alumni Network, including step by step instructions for getting started.

Get started today


A group of pharmacy alumni in white lab coats outside of a pharmacy

Contact us

The alumni team at the Development Office manages and coordinates the Alumni Network. The team’s main role is to support the parts of the organisation of greatest relevance to the alumni, i.e., departments, faculties and alumni associations.

If you have any questions about alumni relations or the Uppsala University Alumni Network, please contact the Alumni Team at

