Research tracks

What are research tracks?

A research track consists of courses (specific to one or more research tracks), theme days and international conferences. When the concept is fully implemented, a theme day is organised every two years for each track.

The basic idea of research tracks in doctoral studies is to give doctoral students a better opportunity to meet and interact with other doctoral students and researchers at the two faculties of the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy.

The purpose of research tracks

A research track is interdisciplinary and should encompass all aspects of research at the Disciplinary Domain, such as drug development, pathology and pathogenesis, diagnostics, functions and explanatory models, the use of medicines, care and treatment.

To fulfil the requirements and obtain points for participation in a research track, the following is required:

  • Participation in two theme days
  • Participation in one international conference on a relevant area of the research track.
  • Completed formal courses in the theme of the research track of at least 5 credits.

A completed track is formalised as a course with the name of the track (e.g. Research track cancer) and grants 1.5 credits.

Report completed research tracks

To report a completed research track in Ladok, the administrator at the department needs documentation. Each research track has a form that must be filled in and signed by the track leader. The track leader certifies that the requirements for a completed research track are met and sends the form to the doctoral studies administration at the department where the doctoral student is registered.

The administrator registers 1.5 credits in Ladok, which must be approved/certified by the doctoral student's examiner.

When applying for a degree in Ladok, the research track must be stated. It will then be documented in the Diploma Supplement accompanying the degree certificate.

