Collaborations & Networks at the Faculty and Department of Law

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One of the fundamental tasks of the faculty is to contribute to the development and use of legal knowledge, regionally, nationally and internationally. Collaboration with the surrounding society is therefore a priority task for both research and education and is conducted through several different channels.

Exchange of knowledge through collaboration

The Faculty of Law collaborates and interacts with a large amount of individuals and organisations in our society. This manifests in different ways and through various channels, for instance by official opinions, alumni activities and contract education. We also have a mutual knowledge exchange between our students and practitioners of law, as the students continuously do internships at law firms, authorities and various organizations. In return, law practitioners from, amongst others, these bodys come and teach at our courses.

Our Centres, Forums and Networks

There are several centres, forums and networks connected to the Faculty of Law, working to strengthen research and education within their respective fields. Some have links to other operations inside and outside the university while others are independent units.

Below is a list of our cooperation forums in alphabetical order:

Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism (CEMFOR)

Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism (CEMFOR) at Uppsala university conducts, supports and coordinates broad-ranging, methodologically diverse and inclusive, as well as multidisciplinary research on racism, discrimination and integration.

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Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CRS)

CRS is a multidisciplinary centre at Uppsala University, a Centre of Excellence for research on religious and social change processes in Sweden, Europe and globally.

CRS conducts internationally distinguished, multidisciplinary research. Social issues brought to the fore by people's existential experiences and the increasing visibility and presence of religions are the main areas of research.

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Göteborg - Lund - Uppsala Migration Law Network

The Gothenburg / Lund / Uppsala Migration Law Network (GLUMIN) is a collaboration between Uppsala, Lund and Gothenburg Faculties of Law and the Department of Philosophy at Uppsala University with the aim of developing migration law and migration law research in Sweden.

The research network includes researchers in the field of migration law active at most of the country's universities and colleges. GL/UMIN also serves as a national research environment for researchers in the field of migration law within the framework of which seminars and workshops are arranged and collaborated in different constellations within and between higher education institutions.

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The International Centre for Evidence-Based Criminal Law (EB-CRIME)

The International Centre for Evidence-Based Criminal Law (EB-CRIME) is a network that - by giving them guidlines to a new scientific approach to criminal justice - aims to facilitate evidence-based decision making by police, prosecutors, coroners, and judges in order to prevent wrongful convictions.

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Leadership, Efficiency, Legality in Peacetime Crises (LERF)

A research collaboration on Swedish peacetime crisis preparedness with a focus on constitutional, administrative law and administrative policy aspects.

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Legal Research Network

The Legal Research Network (LRN) was founded in 2006 by the faculties of law of the Universities of Groningen, Turku and Uppsala. The Universities of Bristol, Budapest (ELTE), Ghent, Göttingen and Lille-Nord de France have since joined the network.

The Legal Research Network (LRN) aims at improving the international profile of its members, strengthening (thematic) research cooperation by its staff, and promoting the international scientific perspectives of its young researchers.

LRN is thematically a general network in law. The annual Conference and Summer School are organized around specific themes which are approachable from different fields of legal research.

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Obehörig användning av e-legitimation (Swedish)

För inte så länge sedan krävde nästan alla bankärenden en egenhändig signatur på papper. Utvecklingen har gått snabbt och från de första stegen med engångskoder och kod-dosor har BankID blivit en självklarhet för att identifiera sig i många olika sammanhang. Med möjligheten att identifiera sig på detta enkla sätt har också risken för missbruk ökat. I domstolspraxis och i nämndpraxis finns många exempel på att enskilda ser ut att ha tagit lån de inte känner till, och att bankkontot tömts utan att kontohavaren alls vet var pengarna hamnat eller hur det hela har gått till.

De problem som har uppstått är av stor betydelse både för enskilda och för den finansiella branschen, samtidigt som de rättsliga frågorna som uppkommer kan vara både komplexa och svårhanterliga. Detta forskningsprojekt syftar till att, i samverkan med det omgivande samhället, identifiera frågor av stor betydelse för samhället och de aktuella branscherna och bidra med viktig forskning på detta angelägna området.

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Uppsala Human Rights Research Network

The network aims to highlight and further develop existing research on legal, ethical, philosophical and political perspectives on human rights and link it to current issues such as threats to rights, the different status of rights for different groups, the theoretical basis of rights and how rights can be demanded and implemented.

To be able to do this, our researchers gather around a variety of activities. We also want to create new contacts, meeting places and conversations that promote research and in-depth study for the network's members, for the university, and for society. The idea is also to create the conditions for joint applications to establish new research environments or programmes in the longer term.

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