Find housing in Visby

Uppsala University does not own student accommodations. Instead, student housing is provided by a number of private companies in and around Visby and students are responsible for arranging it themselves.

A good option for new students is to rent a second-hand contract room or apartment. It is common for people in Visby to rent out a room in their house or apartment to students. Since ads for accommodation available from the start of the autumn semester are usually advertised during the summer, we would recommend starting your search for housing at the start of the summer.

A cobble stone street in Visby on a sunny day.

Housing websites

On the Student Union's website, you can search for accommodation with both private landlords and housing companies. This site displays available properties and is continuously being updated, especially before the start of the semester.

  • Housing companies
    You can also find housing through various companies. Under the tab "Housing companies", you will find a list that shows the major housing companies for students on the island.
  • Private landlords
    Under the tab "Private landlords", you can find a room in an apartment, a self-contained apartment, a cottage or a villa where you can share accommodation with others. If you find anything of interest, contact the housing company or the private landlord to get more information.

The Student Union Rindi

Blocket is a popular Swedish website where people sell a wide variety of things, including accommodation. While the website is in Swedish, you can find advertisements for second-hand contracts under the category Bostad. Many students also find housing on social media such as Facebook's Marketplace.


Be cautious of scam artists

Unfortunately, there have been several instances of fraud in connection to second-hand housing advertisements, especially around the start of the semester. You can avoid being scammed by declining to make any payments until a housing contract has been signed by both parties.

