Our premises

As staff you can book meeting rooms in TimeEdit

Facilities available for staff

Report problems with any of the below to: obs-passage@uu.se

Faculty Club (H429)

Faculty Club can for example be used for internal meetings, workshops, social gatherings. Faculty Club should not be used for teaching.

Book by email: lokalbokning-ekonomikum@uu.se

VIP dining room (E203)

The VIP dining room can be used for (secluded/private) lunches, but also for meeetings. This room has a digital whiteboard and equipment for Zoom but you need to bring your own laptop.

Book by email: lokalbokning-ekonomikum@uu.se

Recording studio (B185)

The studio is available for all staff at the university. It is designed to be easy to use. You can record material or use it for Zoom.

Book with the person responsible for room bookings at your department.

If you need heltp to get started our AV technicians are availabe to help, free of charge. Contact our AV technicians on: av-support-ekonomikum@uu.se.

Gym (B104)

The gym can be used by staff, twenty-four hours a day, every day. Staff from other campuses can contact reception for access to the gym. The gym is equipped with a number of excercise machines, free weights and a ping-pong table.

Resting room (outside lifts on floors 2,3,4)

The resting rooms can be used by staff and affiliated at Ekonomikum.

Massage chair (B186B)

The massage chair can be used by staff at Ekonomikum and Observatorieparken. No booking, rirst come, first served. Staff can enter the room with access cards.

Serenity room (B167)

"A room for tranquility and reflection"

This room is designed with Dag Hammarskjölds mediation room at the UN Headquarters as a model. The rooms is to be used for a moments peace, meditations or prayer.

