Publish your thesis

We help you as a PhD student at Uppsala University, Dalarna University and the University of Gävle, with graphic design, archiving and electronic publishing in DiVA as well as contact with the printing house.

You can find templates, documents, information about courses and FAQ in our guide Thesis support.

Spikad avhandling.

Booking a time plan

It is important to apply for a time plan in good time. The production of your thesis normally starts about 3–4 weeks before the date of posting, but due to high workloads during certain periods your production time can be longer.

Read here what can affect your production time

Request a time plan for the production of your thesis

Information session on thesis production

This session is for you, who have requested a time plan and will be sending your thesis to Thesis Production within a time frame of 4–5 weeks. We recommend all PhD and licentiate students to participate to make the process as smooth as possible.

Dates for information sessions on thesis production

Printing your thesis

In order for production to run as smoothly as possible, it is important that you prepare well and follow the schedule you have been given.

Read more about the production.

Posting your thesis

Before your defense, you must publish your thesis by so-called nailing. According to the Higher Education Ordinance, doctoral theses must be nailed down at least three weeks before the defense.

Read more about posting.

Digitise your old thesis

A large part of Uppsala University's scientific production before 2003 does not exist in digital form. The Library offers you who have a PhD at Uppsala University help to digitise your doctoral thesis and make it available in DiVA. It will then be searchable in LIBRIS, SwePub and Google Scholar as well.

Read more about digitisation of your older thesis.

Opening hours and addresses

Opening hours for posting Carolina Rediviva

Weekdays at 9–15

Regular hours Thesis Production

You can reach us at office hours via e-mail, phone and Zoom.

Postal address

Uppsala universitetsbibliotek (Carolina Rediviva)
Box 510
751 20 Uppsala

Visiting address

Carolina Rediviva, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 1.


