The Inquiry Based Approach (IBA)

Collaboration is often highlighted as an important way of dealing with complex societal issues when siloed structures and traditional instruments such as economic incentives, legislation and information are insufficient. Well-functioning collaboration has the potential for democratic participation, flexibility and joint learning. But collaboration does not always live up to expectations, and critics argue that it is sometimes ineffective, naïve in terms of power structures and unclear in terms of accountability.

SWEDESD, together with partners, has developed the Inquiry Based Approach (IBA) as a response to these criticisms. IBA combines research on learning, planning, democracy and power to strengthen two key competencies required to lead collaboration: process design and facilitation.

The aim of IBA is to support collaboration between actors who want to tackle complex societal challenges together. IBA has been used in several of Swedesd's educational programs and projects both in Sweden and internationally.

Pursuing an inquiry through learning cycles

IBA collaboration can be described as a series of iterations, or 'learning loops'. An iteration consists of four elements, all of which are important for the development of knowledge and joint action: reflection, planning, action and observation. Instead of a negotiated long-term goal, a typical IBA process is driven by a question that the actors jointly formulate in the initial phase. A question, which can be combined with goals for desirable results in the shorter term, means greater flexibility and invites reflection and experimentation, which is important for dealing with complex and dynamic problems. Furthermore, an issue is often easier to agree on for actors with different mandates and interests, and easier to link to existing activities.


Learning cycles within IBA

IBA handbook


The Inquiry Based Approach: A facilitator´s handbook, A handbook for tackling complex societal challenges, Swedesd 2014 (pdf)

