FAQ KoF24 Medfarm

The purpose of the FAQ for KoF24 Medfarm is to clarify what applies to the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy and what applies to the overall university-wide KoF. The purpose is also to clarify the roles and expectations of Medfarm's organisation.

The information is for people active in Medfarm at Uppsala University, Region Uppsala and Uppsala University Hospital. The content of the FAQ is continuously updated.

Goals and purposes

KoF is an abbreviation of Quality and Renewal. KoF is Uppsala University’s self-initiated evaluation of research.

Yes, in 2007, 2010 and 2017.

Quality and Renewal 2024 (KoF24) means that Uppsala University evaluates research activities. Evaluations need to be carried out regularly to benefit continued development.

The goal of KoF24 is to strengthen the University’s ability to conduct research of the highest quality and relevance.

Two university-wide thematic evaluations of:

  1. Research infrastructure
  2. Interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity

Evaluations of research and research environments conducted by disciplinary domains/faculties:

  1. Development and renewal of research and research environments
  2. Engagement and collaboration with society
  3. Recruitment, career opportunities and career support
  4. Connection between research and education

The aim is to identify eminent research environments with a particular focus on research environments with the potential to develop.

  • The structure of KoF24 in two separate parts was decided by the Vice-Chancellor in 2022.
  • The purpose of KoF24 Medfarm is to identify potential that is valuable for future research at the Disciplinary Domain.
  • The basis for the evaluation is the four aspects of the Vice-Chancellor’s directive and the goals and strategies of the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vision:Medfarm (MEDFARM 2020/816).


KoF24 Medfarm has a steering group consisting of Mats Larhed, Vice-Rector; Eva Tiensuu Janson, Deputy Vice-Rector; Karin Forsberg Nilsson, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and Mathias Hallberg, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

A faculty office group will carry out most of the practical work.

The Disciplinary Domain Board’s Executive Committee (AU) decides on external reviewers for KoF24 Medfarm.

The Vice-Rector is the client for KoF24 Medfarm.

The panel will meet all departments individually, the Centres for Clinical Research (CKF) as one group, and the Disciplinary Domain management.

At the Disciplinary Domain’s staff page: Research.

Those who will be directly involved (research group leaders, CKF’s and heads of department) will be contacted. Current information about KoF24 Medfarm can be found at Research.


At Medfarm, several elements from KoF17 have been followed up in various departments’ operational plans (VP). Organisational changes have been implemented as a result of KoF17.

No funds will be allocated or reallocated within the framework of KoF24 Medfarm. However, the results can be used for future prioritisation.

During November 2024–February 2025, the Faculty Office will compile the results from KoF24 Medfarm.

In February 2025, the report from KoF24 Medfarm will be completed.

In April 2025, the Vice-Chancellor will hold a research evaluation conference for Uppsala University.

The results of the research evaluation may come to be used in prioritising future initiatives within the framework of regular operational planning.

